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Thursday, August 28, 2008

LaRouche Responds To Russia's Mikhail Leontyev: ...We're Sliding To Nuclear World War III

LaRouche Responds To Russia's Mikhail Leontyev: Through British-Saudi Ops, With George Soros, We're Sliding To Nuclear World War III

August 23, 2008 (LPAC)--Economist and Democratic leader Lyndon LaRouche has repeatedly expressed his disgust at the Bush Administration's rolling-over for a British-Saudi scheme directed against the U.S., by its acquiescing to the ouster of Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf.

On Tuesday, Aug. 19, well-known Russian television anchorman Mikhail Leontyev broached the same issue in the following exchange on Russian Channel One television, as translated by BBC. After discussing a recent statement by Condoleezza Rice, Leontyev concluded: "There is a term (in English) crazy empire, a psychic empire. The latest illustration of this madness is what is now happening in Pakistan."

A second announcer continued: "Pervez Musharraf had for nine years been head of Pakistan, America's strategic ally in the region and the only nuclear power in the Islamic world. After 11 September, Musharraf supported the USA's fight against Al-Qa'idah and Taleban in the
neighboring Afghanistan, despite the prevailing sentiments in the country. He harshly suppressed radical Islamist rallies in the country. He has had to resign as a result of democratization imposed by the United States, which has already led to destabilization and a most serious crisis in Pakistan."

Leontyev responded: "Musharraf was the only leader who could maintain stability in an extremely complex country like Pakistan, restrain radical Islamists and guarantee that the nuclear potential would remain under control. The so-called opposition's corrupt leaders,
let out of an American-English jar, hate each other and are incapable of ensuring either. In the view of responsible American analysts, the Pakistani bomb is much more dangerous than the non-existent Iranian one. Who gets it and what happens to this not quite low-priority, and
not the least populated region? This is what the United States' European partners should be thinking about, not about the moaning of a whipped Georgian paranoid man."

"That sounds like a pretty accurate description of the whole situation," Lyndon LaRouche responded today. "Obviously, it sounds like he's an intelligence specialist in that area.

"The whole thing was obvious to me," LaRouche went on. "It was obvious in the discussions I had with people, that while Pakistan was already a mess, by this concession of dumping Musharraf, you actually unleash all the instabilities in the area. And, Pakistan IS a nuclear
power in a sense, but the more significant thing is that the whole thing was done by the Saudis. That's what has to be said! And this thing is an Anglo-American, Saudi operation.

"The Saudi, Bandar, Al-Yamameh operation, is what's key here," he specified. "And the whole region is in trouble, because the Saudis are the center of the whole destabilization of the region. It's a Saudi-British operation in which Prince Bandar is crucial. The Bush family is deeply indebted, in a sense, to these Saudi types. The corruption goes right inside the United States government. The Bandar Saudi operation and the Bush connections to that, are absolutely

"Then, on the other side, you have all the other crazy British operations, as in Georgia," LaRouche continued. "It's amazing how they put Obama-backer Soros in the middle of everything. He's the universal front-man, like the universal vacuum-cleaner, who shows up in every part of the world. And, he actually is British Intelligence. He's one of the most exposed agents,-- and right out of the Foreign Ministry; it's absolutely shameless. He's an open Foreign Ministry agent.

"And frankly: we are looking at World War III, nuclear World War III," LaRouche said. "That's what we're looking at as the clear potential. The whole world can slide into a nuclear conflagration, largely by miscalculation; by a combination of Schrecklichkeit (deliberate terror) and miscalculation. These guys are worse than Hitler. At least that bastard knew what he was doing; these guys don't.

"Leontyev is right; he's absolutely correct," LaRouche concluded. "It's just that he's left out this one part: that this is a case in which the London-Saudi operation, the BAE-connected operation, is the key monster in this thing, which is a controlling factor in U.S. behavior. You don't need to have a President Barack Obama, because the real Presidency is the Saudi Monarchy. The White House is a dependency of the Saudi Monarchy."


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