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Friday, August 29, 2008

War on IRAN

Amsterdam - The Dutch intelligence service AIVD has been working on a ultra secret operation in Iran with the purpose infiltration and sabotage of the weapons industry in the islamic republic.

The extremely successful considered operation has recently been stopped because of plans of a coming American air strike on Iran. Also goals indicated by the Dutch espionage action will be targeted. This is declared by good sources towards the Telegraph newspaper.

Nuclear bomb

Tehran is probably working on a nuclear bomb and refuses to listen to Western demands to stop enrichment of uranium.

One of the concerned agents, who was able to infiltrate in the Iranian industry under supervision of the AIVD, has recently be called back because America has decided to attack Iran with unmanned planes in a couple of weeks. The possible targets are not only nuclear installations, but also military installations which have been indicated with the help of the AIVD. Information from the AIVD operation has been shared with the CIA, according to these sources.

Also several deliveries could be sabotaged and blocked. These were parts of missiles and launching devices. Iran has been sanctioned 3 times since 2006 because of his nuclear program. Western intelligence think that the country of the ayatollahs could have nuclear arms by 2010. The Iranian president Ahmadinejad threatens to wipe out Israel.


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